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[机翻] 利托那韦增强的Tipranavir在治疗经验丰富的HIV感染患者方面显示出优于利托那韦增强的蛋白酶抑制剂的疗效:RESIST-2试验的24周结果
摘要 : Background. Tipranavir, a novel protease inhibitor, has demonstrated antiviral activity against protease inhibitor—resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates. The Randomized Evaluation of Strategic Interventio... 展开

[机翻] 在T-20与仅优化方案(TORO)试验中,接受HIV融合抑制剂恩福韦肽的患者第12周对治疗的反应作为第24、48和96周预后的预测因子
摘要 : Background. Early virological response to antiretroviral therapy is predictive of long-term treatment outcome in therapy-naive patients. In treatment-experienced patients, such correlations are less well defined, because initial r... 展开